As we continue in these uncertain times, we understand and respect that your financial situation may have changed during this pandemic.
However, if you are still able to give during these times towards the ministry of the church, we would be thankful for your regular donations. It is not advised to post cash or cheques to the Fergus Hall or deliver envelopes by hand. The preferred route at the moment to keep everyone safe is via a Standing Order. If you have access to internet banking, then you can take out a standing order and pay your donation direct to the St Mark’s Parochial Expenses Account.
Direct Debit: To set up a regular bank transfer via your own e-banking, please view the information below:
Sort Code: 95 04 11 Acc No: 21069306Direct Debit Details
Envelopes: These can be requested and used as part of your weekly giving, please contact the office.
Church Office: 028 38 362294
Other ways to Give
Each Sunday there is a regular collection at all of our services.
Gift Aid– If you pay UK Tax and would like us to claim back the basic tax rate, then please get in touch with the church office to fill in and sign a form.
Within St Mark’s our parishioners contribute toward the life and work of the church in many different ways. Whilst this page refers specifically to financial giving, there are many other ways you can give to St Mark’s. Visit our ‘What’s on’ page to find out how you can get involved and contribute within the life of our church.