St Mark’s Church Choir

There has been a Choir at St Mark’s since the Church first opened its doors in 1826, with 27 Choir Masters preceding the current Choirmaster/Musical Director, Mr Orly Watson who joined the Choir in 2022.

Over the years, the Choir has been very successful in competitions and has travelled far and wide to sing at Churches and Cathedrals from Waterford to Londonderry and Dublin to Belfast.

At one time, the Choir Stalls reached as far as the West Street wall with a waiting list required to join its 50 strong number which included 3 boy trebles from a Boys’ Choir formed by former Organist, Mr John Donnan.

On 9th July 2006, four members of the Choir were presented with a gift to celebrate 50 years of unbroken service.  Mrs Elizabeth Quinn, Mr Gordon Speers, Mr Norman Doran and Mr Dennis McCrory were each presented with a Waterford Crystal lamp and a medal of the Royal School of Church Music to mark this important milestone.  An accomplished musician, Gordon was awarded a BEM in 2016 for his contribution to music in Portadown and is still the Musical Director of both the Portadown Ladies Choir and Portadown Male Voice Choir.

The Choir meets on a Thursday evening in the Fergus Hall at 7.30pm to practice for the formal Sunday Church Service at 11.30am, when they can be seen in their robes and sitting in the Choir Stalls.

If you are interested in joining the Choir, are looking to invite them to an event or just want more information, then please contact Choir Chairman, Mr Gordon Speers, BEM on 07880 237933


Gordon Speers on 07880 237933